Evacuation Procedure
If you are asked to evacuate the building, stay calm and follow the instructions of security, residence life staff, facilities staff, and/or emergency officials. Evacuation procedures are posted on the back of each room door.
To Report a Fire
In the event of fire, stay calm. Notify the fire department and follow the directions of fire department personnel. If you must take immediate action, use your judgment as to the safest courses of action, guided by the following information. Andersen Hall is a noncombustible (fireproof) building. In the event of a fire, follow the instructions on the back of your residence hall door.
To Report a Medical or Psychological Emergency
In the event of a medical or psychological emergency, contact a residence life staff person immediately. To call an RA, please call 917-376-2418 or 917-683-7864. If a staff member is unavailable, immediately call security from within the building at ext. 4700 or at 917-493-4700. Emergency services can be contacted for major emergencies at 911. Please follow up with the Office of Residence Life after all emergencies.
To Report a Facilities Emergency
In the event of a facilities emergency (i.e. leaking ceiling, overflowing toilet, power outage, lock problems, elevator issues, or dangerous conditions), contact a Residence Life staff person immediately. If you cannot quickly locate a Residence Life staff member, contact security from within the building at ext. 4700 or at 917-493-4700. They will contact the appropriate Facilities Staff member.
To Report a Safety and/or Security Emergency
In the event of a safety and/or security emergency, contact a Residence Life staff person on duty or security from within the building at ext. 4700 or at 917-493-4700.
Exercise Room
The exercise room is located in the basement, and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all residents of Andersen Hall. Equipment use should be limited to 30 minutes if there are others waiting to use the equipment. Proper exercise gear must be worn while using the exercise room (e.g., sneakers, socks, shirts, etc.). All residents are expected to be respectful of others and keep the area clean. Please bring a towel to wipe off all equipment after use. Please see the rules, regulations, release form, and hours posted. Please report any issues to the Office of Residence Life.